Source code for cpp_delegate.__init__

from collections import OrderedDict
import json

import clang_helpers.clang_ast as ca
import path_helpers as ph

[docs]def dump_cpp_ast(env): project_dir = ph.path(env['PROJECT_DIR']) project_name ='-', '__') lib_dir = project_dir.joinpath('lib', project_name) lib_dir.makedirs_p() main_c_file = ph.path(env['PROJECTSRC_DIR']).joinpath('main.cpp') cpp_ast_json = parse_cpp_ast(main_c_file, env) with lib_dir.joinpath('cpp_ast.json').open('w') as output: json.dump(cpp_ast_json, output, indent=2)
[docs]def parse_cpp_ast(source, env): # Get include paths from build environment. cpppath_dirs = [ph.path(env[i[1:]] if i.startswith('$') else i) for i in env['CPPPATH']] cpppath_flags = ['-I{}'.format(p) for p in cpppath_dirs] # Get define flags from build environment. defines = [[env[d_i[1:]] if d_i.startswith('$') else d_i for d_i in map(str, d)] for d in env['CPPDEFINES']] define_keys = set([d[0] for d in defines]) if all(['TEENSYDUINO' in define_keys, '__MK20DX256__' in define_keys]): defines += [[k] for k in ('KINETISK', '__arm__') if k not in define_keys] define_flags = ['-D{}'.format(' '.join(map(str, d))) for d in defines] print 'CPPPATH_FLAGS:' for p in cpppath_dirs: print 3 * ' ', '{} {}'.format(p, p.isdir()) print 'DEFINE_FLAGS:' for d in defines: print 3 * ' ', d return ca.parse_cpp_ast(source, *(define_flags + cpppath_flags), format='json')
[docs]def test(v): try: json.dumps(v) except: return False else: return True
[docs]def dump_env(env): project_dir = ph.path(env['PROJECT_DIR']) with project_dir.joinpath('env.json').open('w') as output: json_safe_env = OrderedDict(sorted([(k, v) for k, v in env.items() if test(v)])) json.dump(json_safe_env, output, indent=4)