Source code for cpp_delegate.context

import hashlib

from pydash import py_ as py__
import nadamq as nq
import nadamq.NadaMq
import numpy as np
import pydash as py_

from .dir_mixin import DirMixIn
from .address_of import get_attributes
from .member_header import get_functions

_fp = py__()

[docs]def get_np_dtype(type_name, default=False): for type_i in (type_name, type_name[:-2]): try: return np.dtype(type_i) except TypeError: pass else: if default == False: raise TypeError('Type not understood: {}'.format(type_name)) else: return default
operation_code = lambda v: np.fromstring(hashlib.sha256(v).digest(), dtype='uint8').view('uint16')[0]
[docs]def get_namespace_path(namespace_str): parts_i = filter(None, namespace_str.split('::')) return ('namespaces.' + '.namespaces.'.join(parts_i) if parts_i else '')
[docs]class Context(object): def __init__(self, cpp_ast_json, namespace=''): self.cpp_ast_json = cpp_ast_json self.namespace_str = namespace if namespace: self.namespace = py_.get(cpp_ast_json, get_namespace_path(namespace)) else: self.namespace = self.cpp_ast_json self._attributes = get_attributes(self.namespace['members']) self._functions = get_functions(self.namespace['members'])
[docs]class RemoteContext(Context, DirMixIn): ''' This class provides access to public variables and fields within a remote context (i.e., namespace). Variables and fields are accessible as Python attributes, allowing, for example, tab completion in IPython. Parameters ---------- stream : serial.Serial A serial connection to the remote device. cpp_ast_json : dict A JSON-serializable C++ abstract syntax tree, as parsed by `clang_helpers.clang_ast.parse_cpp_ast(..., format='json')`. namespace : str, optional A namespace specifier (e.g., ``"foo::bar"``) indicating the namespace to expose. A value of ``""`` corresponds to the top-level namespace. Attributes ---------- .<remote variable/field> An attribute corresponding to each public variable or field within the remote context :attr:`namespace`. ''' def __init__(self, stream, cpp_ast_json, namespace=''): = stream super(RemoteContext, self).__init__(cpp_ast_json, namespace=namespace) self._addresses = dict([(k, self._address_of(str(k))) for k in sorted(self._attributes.keys())]) def __dir__(self): ''' Add remote attribute keys to :func:`dir` result. Allows, for example, tab completion for remote attributes in IPython. ''' return super(RemoteContext, self).__dir__() + self._attributes.keys() def __getattr__(self, attr): ''' If :data:`attr` matches the name of a variable or field in the remote context, return the corresponding value. Returns ------- type of attr Value of specified attribute in remote context. If type is not supported (i.e., not a plain old data type), return ``None``. See also -------- :meth:`_read_attribute` ''' if attr in self._attributes: return self._read_attribute(attr, None) else: raise AttributeError def __setattr__(self, attr, value): ''' If :data:`attr` matches the name of a variable or field in the remote context, set the corresponding value. Parameters ---------- attr : str Name of attribute in remote context. value : type of attr Value to set for specified attribute in remote context. Raises ------ TypeError If attribute type is not supported (i.e., not a plain old data type). See also -------- :meth:`__getattr__`, :meth:`_read_attribute` ''' if hasattr(self, '_attributes') and attr in self._attributes: self._write_attribute(attr, value) else: super(RemoteContext, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
[docs] def _address_of(self, label): ''' Parameters ---------- label : str Name/label of variable or field in remote context. Returns ------- int Address in memory of specified variable or field in remote context. ''' op_code = operation_code('address_of') rec = np.rec.array([op_code, label], dtype=[('op_code', 'uint16'), ('address', 'S{}' .format(len(label)))]) packet = nq.NadaMq.cPacket(data=rec.tobytes(), type_=nq.NadaMq.PACKET_TYPES.DATA) while not pass return np.fromstring(, dtype='uint32')[0]
[docs] def _mem_read(self, address, size): ''' Parameters ---------- address : int Memory address in remote context. size : int Number of bytes to read. Returns ------- np.array(dtype='uint8') Array of data read from remote context. See also -------- :meth:`_read_attribute` ''' op_code = operation_code('mem_read') rec = np.rec.array([op_code, address, size], dtype=[('op_code', 'uint16'), ('address', 'uint32'), ('size', 'uint16')]) packet = nq.NadaMq.cPacket(data=rec.tobytes(), type_=nq.NadaMq.PACKET_TYPES.DATA) while not pass return np.fromstring(, dtype='uint8')
[docs] def _mem_write(self, address, data): ''' Write data to specified address in remote context. Parameters ---------- address : int Memory address in remote context. data : numpy.array-like Array or :module:`numpy` data type. See also -------- :meth:`_write_attribute` ''' op_code = operation_code('mem_write') bytes_ = data.tobytes() rec = np.rec.array([op_code, address, len(bytes_), bytes_], dtype=[('op_code', 'uint16'), ('address', 'uint32'), ('size', 'uint16'), ('bytes', 'S{}'.format(len(bytes_)))]) packet = nq.NadaMq.cPacket(data=rec.tobytes(), type_=nq.NadaMq.PACKET_TYPES.DATA)
[docs] def _read_attribute(self, attr, *args): ''' Parameters ---------- attr : str Name of attribute in remote context. default : object, optional Default return value. Returns ------- type of attr Value of specified attribute in remote context. If type is not supported (i.e., not a plain old data type), :data:`default` is returned (if specified). ''' has_default = True if args else False address = self._addresses[attr] try: np_dtype = get_np_dtype(self._attributes[attr]['type']) except TypeError: if has_default: return args[0] raise data = self._mem_read(address, np_dtype.itemsize) return data.view(np_dtype)[0]
[docs] def _read_attributes(self): ''' Returns ------- dict Value of each attribute in remote context. For each attribute, if type is not supported (i.e., not a plain old data type), value is set to ``None``. See also -------- :meth:`_write_attribute` ''' return py_.map_values(self._attributes, lambda v, k: self._read_attribute(k, None))
[docs] def _write_attribute(self, attr, value): ''' Parameters ---------- attr : str Name of attribute in remote context. value : type of attr Value to set for specified attribute in remote context. Raises ------ TypeError If attribute type is not supported (i.e., not a plain old data type). See also -------- :meth:`_read_attribute` ''' address = self._addresses[attr] attr_node = self._attributes[attr] if attr_node['const']: location = attr_node['location'] raise AttributeError('Attribute "{}" is read-only (declared as ' '"const" at `{} (line: {}, col: {})`)' .format(attr, location['file'], location['start']['line'], location['start']['column'])) np_dtype = get_np_dtype(attr_node['type']) value = np_dtype.type(value) self._mem_write(address, value)