Source code for cpp_delegate.dir_mixin

import six

if six.PY3:
    # There are no need to implement any aditional logic for Python 3.3+, because
    # there base class 'object' already have implemented '__dir__' method,
    # which could be accessed via super() by subclasses
    class DirMixIn:
    # implement basic __dir__ to make it assessible via super() by subclasses
[docs] class DirMixIn(object): """ Mix-in to make implementing __dir__ method in subclasses simpler """ def __dir__(self): # code is based on # def get_attrs(obj): import types if not hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): return [] # slots only if not isinstance(obj.__dict__, (dict, types.DictProxyType)): raise TypeError("%s.__dict__ is not a dictionary" "" % obj.__name__) return obj.__dict__.keys() def dir2(obj): attrs = set() if not hasattr(obj, '__bases__'): # obj is an instance if not hasattr(obj, '__class__'): # slots return sorted(get_attrs(obj)) klass = obj.__class__ attrs.update(get_attrs(klass)) else: # obj is a class klass = obj for cls in klass.__bases__: attrs.update(get_attrs(cls)) attrs.update(dir2(cls)) attrs.update(get_attrs(obj)) return list(attrs) return dir2(self)